Import Control System 2
The European Union has introduced a new regulation mandating Customs Pre-Loading and Pre-Arrival safety and security information.
IAG Cargo have been granted an extension to 30 June 2023 where we will have to fulfil our legal obligations to ICS2. Import Control System 2 (ICS2) includes all 27 EU member states plus Northern Ireland, Norway, and Switzerland.
ICS2 allows the monitoring of the safety and security of the EU’s external borders and applies to all cargo, mail and courier entering or transiting these countries. For example, JFK-DUB & HKG-LHR-MAD-UIO.
What are the impacts of ICS2 for carriers, forwarders and courier companies.

IAG Cargo requires new data elements in the FHL/FWB to fulfil its carrier obligations under ICS2 for pre-loading advanced cargo information (PLACI) and pre-arrival advanced cargo info (ACI).
These extra elements include the first six digits of the Harmonized System code (HS) and the Economic Operators Registration and Identification number (EORI), or the tax or Customs registration number of the consignee at destination of the goods if outside the EU. Shipments will only be loaded from origin once Assessment Complete (AC) referrals have been obtained.
IAG Cargo has developed its processes and systems to ensure full compliance to ICS2. It will complete PLACI filing based on you providing the necessary and accurate data (FWB/FHL) as soon as possible and prior to tendering freight. You are a key participant in compliance to ICS2. Shipments and freight will not be accepted if the necessary data (FWB/FHL) is not available. Inaccurate FWB/FHL will be rejected or subject to unnecessary interventions, and may result in delays, extra costs or penalties for non-compliance.
IAG Cargo requires these new data elements no later than 15 June 2023 to ensure that your shipment will be accepted in line with ICS2.
IAG Cargo would like to know if you have the intention to be a house filer. Please contact us at ICS2@iagcargo.com.

Courier customers will be required to house file.
IAG Cargo is mandating a pre-loading house filing (self-filing) option for courier customers only.
We will continue as a carrier to submit the pre-arrival and arrival notification data under our responsibility. You will need to sign a bi-lateral agreement confirming that you have committed to be a house filer (self-filer) for pre-arrival advanced cargo information (PLACI) which includes the declaration at item level.
Alternatively, you can send this as cargo using IATA FWB/FHL messaging. Please note that under the EU guidance of acceptable description of goods, courier is not an acceptable description.
ICS2 Frequently Asked Questions
Immediately after relevant data is available to us (FWB/FHL), this is filed as an ENS
Entry Summary Declaration (ENS) is the message whereby a party informs the customs authorities, in the prescribed form and within a specific time limit, that goods are to be brought into the customs territory of the Union.
In general, the carrier bringing the goods into the customs territory of the European Union will lodge an ENS for those goods. The ENS will use the data in the FWB and FHL.
The Harmonized commodity description and coding system is a global system developed by the World Customs Organization (WCO). It is referred to as Harmonized System (HS). There are online resources that can be used as references, such as World Customs Organization (wcoomd.org) and www.tariffnumber.com
As the carrier that carries the goods into the EU, our EORI will always be in the declaration. If it's an EU-terminating shipment then the consignee will always have an EORI because it is needed to perform customs activities. If it's transiting the EU then the declaration uses the customs or tax number of the consignee at final destination.
The Consignee EORI must be declared within the OCI field of the FWB/FHL with the T identifier:
The HS code must be declared within the RTD field of the FWB with the NH identifier:
It is declared within the HTS line of the FHL.