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Developer Tools

IAG Cargo APIs are RESTful with standard HTTP methods and status codes. All requests should be made over SSL. All request and response bodies, including errors, are encoded in JSON. To use IAG Cargo APIs, all partners will need to obtain an API key by registering.

To use IAG Cargo APIs:

  • Partners need to register and obtain an API authorised login details

  • Partners should read our documentation and discuss contact us

  • Test their APIs within our Test environment to verify their implementation successfully works


The Makebooking API enables our customers to make, retrieve, update and cancel a booking with IAG Cargo.

The primary objectives for the MakeBooking API:

  • To provide authorised partner’s access to IAG Cargo's digital ecosystem.

  • To enable authorised partners to acquire an end user access token for use with our secure API calls.

  • To deliver a seamless experience for our customers development teams

  • To deliver real operational benefits to our customers by automating some of their processes


This service provides a way to interact with IAG Cargo booking system.

The requirements to interact with our systems reflect the same standards offered by our website iagcargo.com, however they give the flexibility to customers to implement within their existing systems to drive benefits for both parties.


The following steps are performed


  • The API returns the response attributes in uppercase and lowercase ASCII characters as appropriate.


  • You must have a valid authorisation to use our APIs

  • Where necessary, IAG Cargo will issue you valid AWB stock, which can be used while testing with our APIs

  • Any requests must be made for a period not greater than 14 days from the present date

  • Validations for fields are available as part of our documentation

  • We can provide testable examples to be tried within our UAT environment


The routeAvailability API enables our customers to retrieve valid routes for proposed shipments with IAG Cargo.

The primary objectives for the Routes API is to:

  • Provide authorised partner’s access to IAG Cargo's digital ecosystem.

  • Provide valid route options prior to make a booking

  • Provide rate options to customers prior to booking

  • To deliver usable responses for use in the make booking API

Please contact Distribution@iagcargo.com or reach out to your Account Manager to get access to our APIs.


This service provides a way to interact with IAG Cargo available service.

Routes is core to our service offering, enabling customers to interrogate our system, to provide you up to date, actionable information to make the best choice for you. 

Our route availability API provides customers with the date, time as well as rates for those routes, which will enable you to establish what product suits your needs. 



  • The API returns the response attributes in uppercase and lowercase ASCII characters as appropriate.


  • You must have a valid authorisation to use our APIs

  • Any route availability requests must be made for a period not greater than 14 days from the current date

  • Validations for fields are available as part of our documentation

  • We can provide testable examples to be tried within our UAT environment

  • Routes API allows customers to establish how many routes are returned as well as maximum connections per route

  • This API also provides the ability to retrieve rates for different product types to establish which package is ideal for them


Success outcome: A successful response will return one or multiple routes for the selected origin and destination for the selected date. It will only display this if there is a valid rate setup for the customer.

Error outcome: Service error is returned.