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Vienna International Airport
Vienna, Austria

Served by:

Passenger Aircraft

Road Network


Monday to Friday: 09:00-17:30

Air Cargo Center 262, Entry 6, 2nd Fl., A-1300 Vienna Airport


4R Cargo: +436 6411 40048

Monday to Friday: 09:00-17:30

Millenium Tower, 23rd and 24th floor, Handelskai 94-96, 1220 Wien

Customer Support

4R Cargo: +436 6411 40048

Millenium Tower, 23rd and 24th floor, Handelskai 94-96, 1220 Wien


Swissport Export: +43 1 7007 34475
Swissport Import: +43 1 7007 34473

Swissport Cargo, Cargo North; Object 10, 1300 Vienna-Airport, Austria

Important information

Embargo for MUW/SWP Imp/Exp Embargo for Secure Cargo on weekends and Public Holidays. There is a total embargo of all Secure Cargo for airlines arriving or departing between the hours of 22:00-06:00 due to the vault being automatically locked.

Cut off times
Subject to change, check with station

Cut-off time before STDAvailability after ATA
General Cargo360 minutes360 minutes
Critical & Prioritise180 minutes90 minutes
Secure240 minutes240 minutes
Mail120 minutes60 minutes
Constant Climate
Open for import?Open for export?Cut-off time before STDAvailability after ATAActive: Dry IceActive: Heating and CoolingPassive
120 minutes90 minutes