Alertas Operacionales

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Nuevos requisitos para el transporte de mercancías a Canadá

UPDATED 04/09/2024

Le informamos de que, para la carga destino Canada se requiere que exista una relación comercial establecida entre el Agente Autorizado o el Agente Transitario y el Remitente.

Una "relación comercial establecida" se define como:

i) El agente autorizado o transitario debe haber recibido al menos 6 envíos del remitente en los últimos 90 días; y

ii) La relación entre el agente autorizado o transitario y el remitente debe haberse establecido al menos 90 días antes del 29 de agosto de 2024, demostrándose mediante la existencia de una cuenta que incluya una dirección de facturación física con un historial de pago o crédito documentado.

O bien:

iii) Estár aprobado por la autoridad local como consignatario conocido.

Para cumplir con esta nueva regulación, IAG Cargo requerirá una declaración firmada del agente autorizado o transitario para toda la carga con destino a Canadá, que confirme que se cumple con este requisito. Esta declaración debe incluirse con los documentos estándar del conocimiento aéreo (AWB). Puede encontrar una versión en Word de la declaración aquí.

Los envíos simples o las piezas de un envío consolidado que formen parte de un envío consolidado que no cumplan con los criterios anteriores deben ser retirados. Cualquier carga o pieza que no cumpla con estos requisitos no podrá incluirse en un envío consolidado presentado a IAG Cargo para British Airways, Iberia o Aer Lingus para su transporte con destino a Canadá.

Estamos implementando este requerimiento por zonas geográfica, comenzando con Europa y la Comunidad de Estados Independientes (CEI).

Tenga en cuenta que los transportistas o consignatarios conocidos tienen la opción de firmar una declaración general que confirme su cumplimiento con las condiciones descritas en esta declaración. Existe un proceso independiente disponible para realizar este trámite; puede ponerse en contacto con su director de cuenta local para obtener más detalles.

NCTS: New Computerised Transit System

UPDATED: 24/06/2024

IAG Cargo use NCTS for transit simplified procedures for truck movements where the truck contains 3rd Country goods or any goods where they move between Common Transit Convention (CTC) Countries.

The EU 27 are 1 contracting party and 8 Common Transit Countries (Iceland, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine and the UK as separate contracting parties.).

HMRC will be moving from NCTS 4 to NCTS 5 as the 1st part of the transitional phase on 28th June 2024 for Northern Ireland and on 1st July 2024 for Great Britain.

The 2nd phase of the transitional period to NCTS 5 “proper” will require additional data elements. These include the accurate goods description for simple/single commodity goods and the appropriate HS Code (1st six characters) and for consolidations containing 1 or more House Airwaybills (HAWB) the HS Code (1st six characters) for each HAWB.

IAG Crago are fully prepared for HMRCs switch to NCTS 5 and do not require any additional data changes or customer behaviour during this first phase.

IAG cargo will communicate necessary mandatory changes in a timely manner before they are introduced.

IAG Cargo USA and Canada Summer Heat Embargoes for AVI

UPDATED: 10/05/2024

Effective 15th June 2024 to 15th September 2024, embargoes for AVI will be in place across a selection of our North American stations due to extreme weather conditions.

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UPDATED: 21/02/2024

Harmonised System Codes (HS) now required in UAE as part of ACI.

The UAE’s Advanced Cargo Information (ACI) filing requirements now requires that from 29 February 2024 Harmonized System Codes (HS) must be specified for all goods items on the air waybill or house air waybill.

The inclusion of this advanced information allows for the monitoring of the safety and security of the UAE’s external borders and applies to all cargo and courier entering departing from or transiting UAE. Please note, this does not apply to mail.


Is a Harmonised Systems Code (HS) requested on all mode of transport Import/Export/Transit?

Yes, on Import, Transit and Export.

How many digits of the HS code are required?

The first 6 digits.

Should the HS code be reported in the house and master?

The HS code is to be reported on the house air waybill level. For direct shipment, HS code is to be reported on the AWB level.

How do NAIC expect the reporting of the HS code on consolidated shipments?

Regarding Consolidation shipment, the HS code should be reported on the house air waybill.

In the required field for the description of goods in the master, what should be included?

For AWB handling consolidation shipments, the goods description must include “Consolidation”. For AWB handling Direct shipments, actual goods description must be mentioned in the AWB.

UPDATED: 17/11/2023

On 3rd April 2023, IAG Cargo introduced a policy to charge 10.00 GBP / 12.00 EUR / 13.00 USD for Paper Air Waybills (AWBs) on all IAG Cargo routes. To reaffirm our commitment to being a digital-first carrier, this charge will be increased for paper AWBs on eAWB-eligible routes from Monday 20th November 2023 as outlined below.

Currency and fees as below:

GBP - 30.00 (previously 10.00)

EUR - 24.00 (previously 12.00)

USD - 26.00 (previously 13.00)

Non-eAWB routes - where the paper AWB is required, this fee will no longer apply from Monday 20th November 2023. The AWB Charge will continue to be captured and billed via the origin station.

If you are sending an eAWB you are not required to deliver a traditional paper AWB*.

Exceptions apply - please check with your local station if you require a paper AWB.

UPDATED: 26/06/2023

From the 26th June 2023, IAG Cargo will only accept certain documents at Premia reception check-in for all AVI shipments. All other documents must be affixed securely to the shipment before delivery, using orange British Airways AVI pouches that have been given out to shippers in advance, or collected from Premia reception at check-in on the day of travel.

The only documents we will accept at reception are:

  • Two copies of the AWB

  • A Shipper’s Declaration

  • A copy of the health certificate or fit to fly

No other documents will be accepted at check-in and must be securely attached to the AVI shipment before tendering in. This includes any original documentation that is required for import to the destination such as the health certificate or import permit.

There are two exceptions where other documents are required:

  • Dogs travelling to the USA – the US CDC Dog Import Regulation USG51 is still required.

  • AVI travelling under CITES – you must still present a copy of any import/export permit at check-in to demonstrate compliance, and you must still return with the CITES original endorsement from Border Force which we will attach to the shipment before departure.

For further information or questions relating to the new process, please contact the AVI Product Team: Stevie Burke or Valerie Hadley

UPDATED: 23/03/2023

In order to correctly plan and move cargo as booked IAG Cargo requires accurate freight measurements and declarations. Any freight bookings made on any IAG Cargo flights that do not allow the Ground Handler to stack on top of the freight, must have the Non-Stackable (NST) element declared at the time of booking. Checks are in place for freight originating across our network. Any undeclared Non-Stackable (NST) will be subject to an additional handling charge of USD $300.00 or CAD $400.00 and also a CCA amendment fee.

To make a booking online login to your account here.

For any further questions please see this guide on Non-Stackable (NST) freight, or alternatively please speak with your account manager.

UPDATED: 15/03/2023

As part of our commitment to ensuring a seamless customer experience, we would like to remind you of the requirement to include Afghanistan to the compliance statement which currently covers Libya, Yemen, Somalia, and Syria. As a reminder, the carriage of all cargo, courier and mail which has originated from or transferred through these countries is prohibited on the IAG Cargo network to any destination.

You can add the compliance statement either printed on the airway bill, courier baggage voucher or airmail document; or provide a separate letter on your company letterhead that accompanies the shipment.


I confirm that <Company Name> reviewed all available documentation and has determined that none of the cargo being offered in this consignment or consolidation has originated in, transferred from, or transited through any point in Yemen, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, or Somalia.

This declaration is mandatory; noncompliance may result in your shipment not travelling as booked.

If you need additional information or have any questions, please get in touch with your local IAG Cargo office.

UPDATED: 20/02/2023

ICS2 Phase 2 comes into force on 1st March 2023, however, the European Commission have provided a deployment window within which air carriers may request a derogation.

IAG Cargo requested and were granted a derogation by Customs until 30th June 2023 for the following IAG group airlines: Aerlingus, British Airways, Iberia and Vueling.

From 1st March 2023 until 30th June 2023 all goods transported into or through the European Union will continue to be reported into ICS1.

Please do not hesitate to contact your account manager if you require any support.

Head over to the official website of the European Union for full details on the new requirements.

You can also watch this video to learn more.

UPDATED: 14/02/2023

In order to correctly plan and move cargo as booked IAG Cargo requires accurate freight measurements and declarations. Any freight bookings made on any IAG Cargo flights that do not allow the Ground Handler to stack on top of the freight, must have the Non-Stackable (NST) element declared at the time of booking. Checks are in place for freight originating in Europe, Africa, Middle East, India and APAC. Any undeclared Non-Stackable (NST) will be subject to an additional handling charge which can be found in our Ground Handling charges and also a CCA amendment fee. This fee will be minimum €300 or $300 based on your country of origin.

To make a booking online login to your account here.

For any further questions please see this , or alternatively please speak with your account manager.

UPDATED: 03/02/2023

IAG Cargo is pleased to announce that after successful trials and results, we have made the decision to move all LHR Live Animal Imports and Transits to the new Animal Aircare LHR facility located in the “Horseshoe” of the LHR Cargo area with landside access on Sandringham Road.

  • Effective February 1st, 2023, all Live Animal collections will be at this new Animal Aircare LHR facility. If you would like your paperwork pre-checked, all non-commercial paperwork can be sent in advance to the above e-mail address, at no additional pre-check charge.

  • Taking advantage of paperwork pre-check will help prevent any non-commercial failures.

  • Ground handling fees remain the same. UK clearance/APHA and any additional applicable UK arrival fees will be collected locally as is done today.

  • There is NO longer any requirement to obtain a “LHR Slot”, so you can just book with our Sales agents, and we will send on the dates requested. We will continue to need your UK clearing agent to provide us with an OK to Forward – no change to current process.

  • Exception – Large exotic animals like lions, gorillas, etc., will still go to HARC (Heathrow Animal Reception Center) facility. These must be cleared by Val Hadley before any bookings are made.

  • The AAC (Animal Aircare LHR) facility is open 24/7. To view the AAC facility LHR location, click here.

Animal Aircare is located with both landside and airside access. This allows for much quicker delivery times direct from aircraft to the Animal Aircare LHR facility for UK clearance and collection.


Main LHR office number:  +44 (0) 203 968 0980


Manager phone: +44 (0) 7399 226 868

Supervisor LHR: +44 (0)7572 655 296

Welfare officer phone: +44 (0) 7572 655 412

Address: Unit 579 Sandringham Rd, Hounslow TW6 3SF

UPDATED: 14/12/2022

New guidelines affecting all inbound shipments into the EU set by the European Union (EU) will come into effect from 1 March 2023.

To support you with this transition, we’ve summarised the new requirements:

Summary of Requirements

The EU Union Customs Code (UCC) requires all businesses transporting goods to or through the EU to provide additional mandatory data. This is required for inbound goods of the MAWB and HAWB if the goods are for import into or through the EU.

Here is a handy checklist:

  1. Have you added the EU Economic Operator Registration and Identification (EORI) number of the EU Consignee? (This is mandatory. And please note where the goods are transiting the EU and the consignee is not an EU registered entity the International Trader Identification number is to be provided)

  2. Have you added the 6 digit Harmonised Shipment (HS) Code at AWB and HAWB level?

  3. Have you included the item weight?

  4. What type of package is it?

  5. What type of person (business, individual, agent)?

  6. Have you added a description of Goods? (Please note: Prior to delivery of goods accuracy of description should match the HS code)

These details must be provided by your shippers.

We want to ensure the smooth flow of your goods through our network, so please ensure that these additional mandatory data fields are included in the FWB and FHL messages sent to IAG Cargo, for transmission to EU customs prior to EU arrival.

Please note

All shipments (Import, Freight Remaining On Board (FROB), transit), must still be handed to IAG cargo with their relevant MAWB and HAWB manifest documents, except if e-AWB shipments.

The FWB and FHL messages for all MAWBs and HAWBs must include the required additional data and be transmitted to IAG Cargo before the goods handover.

Failure to provide the above data, may result in your goods receiving an additional profile resulting in referrals or delays in processing your goods at destination.

To ensure the relevant IT systems are aligned with the EU authorities we recommend providing these new data elements by early January 2023. These new data requirements will also facilitate the fulfilment of ICS2 – PreDict data requirements for Pre-Loading Advance Cargo Information (PLACI) due by 1 March 2023.

IAG Cargo is unable to capture the manual data and, unfortunately, failure to provide this additional information may delay your goods at the EU airport of entry.

If you do not have EDI capability, we recommend inserting FWB and FHL data manually via your IT portal or Service Provider.

Please do not hesitate to contact your account manager if you require any support.

You can also watch this video to learn more.

UPDATED: 19/10/2022

In order to bring our constant climate booking process in line with IATA standard temperature handling requirements, we will be implementing the mandatory use of COL and CRT to identify temperature ranges.

With immediate effect, any PCT shipment must be booked with an additional handling code identifying its temperature range as detailed below;

+2C to +8C shipments must reflect ‘COL’

+15C to +25C shipments must reflect ‘CRT’

Please do not hesitate to contact your account manager if you require any support.

UPDATED: 31/08/2022

As per ULD Logistics it is now necessary for customers to use the same straps on each intact ULD due to a safety instruction.

Cargo straps must be TSO/ ETSO/ CTSO/ JTSO certified, with a minimum ultimate load rating of 2225daN/2270kg, must be serviceable and must have double stud fittings. When using multiple cargo straps on the same ULD all cargo straps must be of the same make/manufacturer/ load rating/stiffness.

Mixed on the same ULD will be rejected.

UPDATED: 22/08/2022

Effective 1st September 2022, IAG Cargo will be implementing a crate compliance update for Live Dogs and Cats to ensure all crates comply with the Live Animal Regulations.

The Crate compliance update consists of all crates must be nose and paw proof, with the mesh openings for Dogs being no more than 25mm, and for Cats no more than 19mm. If any double meshing is added to the crate to ensure it is compliant, this mesh must be made of welded wire mesh and not plastic.

Please note that if the above compliance is not met, then unfortunately, there is the potential the Live Animal will be rejected at reception. Therefore, we would greatly appreciate if you can ensure all the crates you tender have the correct modification required.

For any queries in regard to the above crate compliance, please email:

UPDATED: 03/08/2022

IAG Cargo would like to advise of the following changes to the British Airways Heathrow ITSF location and Agent codes effective from 4th August 2022:

Ascentis ITSF: Shed Code will be BASLHR and Agent code KEI

Premia ITSF: Shed Code BACLHR and Agent Code HBA